Monday, January 20, 2014

Film adaptations: Rock on or bug off?

Film adaptation has been a lucrative Hollywood business, but critics blow hot and cold about it. In an attempt to be unbiased, I compiled a list of the pros and cons of movie adaptations.

The most obvious advantage of doing a film adaptation is that it reaches a wider audience.  As sad as it is, more people are interested in going to the movies than picking up a book.  Hopefully, the movie will spark enough interest for the audience to seek a more literary reading of the work in question.  Based on books with movie posters as their covers, film adaptations do automatically promote their textual bases.  The negative effect this has on literature?  People might be confined to reading books that have movies attached to their titles, which is a big shame as there is a lot of underrated books out there. 

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Another advantage of film adaptations is their ability to give us another person’s perspective or interpretation of the book.  It is always a good thing to see things from the point of view of other people. However, the recourse to easy interpretations flatters the laziness of readers.  It unloads people’s imagination of the scenes from a book and entrusts the creation of a new universe to a director.

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Speaking of interpretation, there are film adaptations that completely deviate from the books. There are kinds that have the tendency to change the setting and characters to be more commercially saleable, sacrificing the voice of the author and many details of the story in the process.

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I’m Jamie Squillare, a literature teacher. I love the Harry Potter books. Similar articles about books and films can be found in this blog.


  1. It's true,there's always advantage and disadvantage in film adaptation.

  2. Both reading books and watching film adaptions makes more fun!

  3. I like this talks about books and stuffs like film adaptation.

  4. Film adaptation has the advantage nowadays!
